Sharing our research and findings on countering violent extremism
We recognize that a strong evidence base is the foundation of effective prevention. Our findings on countering hate-motivated violence, preventing radicalization, and challenging extremism are published here for everyone to access freely.

Research & Findings
Within its mission and vision statements the OPV acknowledges that effective CVE programing must recognize and include the concerns, inputs and leadership of impacted communities.
In addition, the OPV recognizes that programs to counter violent extremism (CVE) are most effective when they engender a multi-sectoral response that includes impacted community groups and professionals.

Partnerships & Action-Oriented Research
In pursuit of developing world-class programming and delivering actionable research findings, the OPV has developed a series of strategic and operational partnerships with organizations in Canada and around the world.
Our key partners include the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS) and the Canadian Practitioners’ Network (CPN-PREV).
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