About the OPV

Forging Community Connections

The Organization for the Prevention of Violence is a community and expert-led non-government organization.

Who We Are

An international best practice model of countering violent extremism (CVE) built on the foundations of trust and authentic community partnerships.

Highly experienced professionals

The OPV is a diverse group of professionals with experience in CVE and other forms of violence and risk reduction.

As an organization, the OPV brings community, academic and practitioner knowledge to bear on the problem of radicalization to violence.

Our Mission

Together, we work to prevent radicalization and challenge extremism through awareness, psycho-social interventions and an evidence driven approach to countering hate-motivated violence.

Welcoming Community Input

Ultimately, effective prevention is a team effort and the OPV acknowledges and welcomes the concerns, input, feedback and leadership of the community.

The OPV recognizes that programs to counter hate-motivated violence are most effective when they engender a multi-sectoral response that includes community groups and experienced professionals.

OPV Partnerships and Connections

An effective response to hate-motivated violence requires a whole-of-society response. For that reason, the OPV has created connections with community and non-government organizations with a host of organizations within Alberta and across Canada.

We have developed partnerships and working relationships with the Edmonton Police Service (EPS), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Government of Alberta, City of Edmonton and REACH Edmonton.

Our primary financial support comes from Public Safety Canada and the City of Edmonton.

We also regularly communicate and share best-practices with a host of international research networks and prevention initiatives.

The OPV Team

The Organization for the Prevention of Violence is a community and expert-led non-government organization.

John McCoy

Executive Director

Dr. John McCoy is the Executive Director of the OPV. In addition to this role, he is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta and a Senior Research Affiliate at the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security & Society (TSAS). McCoy has worked as a consultant in the Middle East, North America, Europe and the Caribbean and with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (RCMP-INSET), specifically as an instructor on the Counter-Terrorism Information Officer (CTIO) course.  McCoy has represented Canada and the OPV at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, G20 and the General Assembly of the United Nations. He has more than forty publications on the subjects of violent extremism, and integration, including op-eds, policy papers, academic articles and books.

Dr. John McCoy is the Executive Director of the OPV. In addition to this role, he is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta and a Senior Research Affiliate at the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security & Society (TSAS). McCoy has worked as a consultant in the Middle East, North America, Europe and the Caribbean and with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (RCMP-INSET), specifically as an instructor on the Counter-Terrorism Information Officer (CTIO) course.  McCoy has represented Canada and the OPV at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, G20 and the General Assembly of the United Nations. He has more than forty publications on the subjects of violent extremism, and integration, including op-eds, policy papers, academic articles and books.

Picture of Michael King

Michael King

Deputy Executive Director

Michael is the OPV’s Deputy Executive Director. He also teaches the psychology of terrorism at the University of Calgary, and has been appointed adjunct professor at both the University of Toronto and Ontario Tech University. Michael strives to use behavioral science to help counter violent extremism. To do this, he draws upon his academic training and knowledge as well as his experience working at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and at Public Safety Canada. Michael completed his PhD in social psychology from McGill University, where he researched how individuals legitimize the use of ideologically-motivated violence.

Michael is the OPV’s Deputy Executive Director. He also teaches the psychology of terrorism at the University of Calgary, and has been appointed adjunct professor at both the University of Toronto and Ontario Tech University. Michael strives to use behavioral science to help counter violent extremism. To do this, he draws upon his academic training and knowledge as well as his experience working at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and at Public Safety Canada. Michael completed his PhD in social psychology from McGill University, where he researched how individuals legitimize the use of ideologically-motivated violence.

Photo of David Jones

David Jones


David is the Manager of Applied Research at the OPV and a research affiliate at the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS). His work has been funded by Public Safety Canada, TSAS, NATO and the Department of National Defence. He has delivered training and lectures before diverse audiences including the Brookings Institution, Oxford University’s Department of Politics and Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC). He also regularly instructs on the RCMP’s Counterterrorism Information Officer Course. In addition to research, David works with some of the clients in the OPV’s intervention program. He is a graduate of the University of Alberta.

David is the Manager of Applied Research at the OPV and a research affiliate at the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS). His work has been funded by Public Safety Canada, TSAS, NATO and the Department of National Defence. He has delivered training and lectures before diverse audiences including the Brookings Institution, Oxford University’s Department of Politics and Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC). He also regularly instructs on the RCMP’s Counterterrorism Information Officer Course. In addition to research, David works with some of the clients in the OPV’s intervention program. He is a graduate of the University of Alberta.

Navaid Aziz


Navaid Aziz is a Canadian Muslim public figure with a diverse academic and social background, who supports the OPV’s intervention, engagement and research activities. He is currently focused on the education and integration of Muslim youth, with the hopes of eradicating radicalization. He was raised in Montreal, Quebec where he completed a diplome d’etudes collegiales in commerce and social sciences from Champlain College (2000) before heading to the Islamic University of Madinah where he completed an Associates Degree in Arabic Language and Literature (2003) and a Bachelors in Islamic Law (2008).

Upon returning home to Canada, Navaid began teaching for Al-Maghrib Institute. He has since transitioned to their Director of Public Relations and Student Affairs. During this period, he volunteered as the Islamic Editor for Little Explorers Magazine and began his work as a youth and family counselor. It was also during this time that he established himself as a sought after public speaker. He has lectured across four continents and eighteen countries thus far.

In 2012 Navaid moved to Calgary, Alberta to become the Director of Religious and Social Services for the Islamic Information Society of Calgary, a position he currently holds. In Calgary his youth counseling work extended further to include helping in the mitigation of criminal radicalization. This included the implementation of civic engagement opportunities for Muslim youth. Among the programs started were youth groups, volunteer programs at the local shelters, community cleanups, and tree planting days. In 2015 Navaid became the first ever Muslim chaplain with the Calgary Police Services. Through his involvement with CPS he consulted in the development of their  renowned ReDirect program.

Navaid Aziz is a Canadian Muslim public figure with a diverse academic and social background, who supports the OPV’s intervention, engagement and research activities. He is currently focused on the education and integration of Muslim youth, with the hopes of eradicating radicalization. He was raised in Montreal, Quebec where he completed a diplome d’etudes collegiales in commerce and social sciences from Champlain College (2000) before heading to the Islamic University of Madinah where he completed an Associates Degree in Arabic Language and Literature (2003) and a Bachelors in Islamic Law (2008).

Upon returning home to Canada, Navaid began teaching for Al-Maghrib Institute. He has since transitioned to their Director of Public Relations and Student Affairs. During this period, he volunteered as the Islamic Editor for Little Explorers Magazine and began his work as a youth and family counselor. It was also during this time that he established himself as a sought after public speaker. He has lectured across four continents and eighteen countries thus far.

In 2012 Navaid moved to Calgary, Alberta to become the Director of Religious and Social Services for the Islamic Information Society of Calgary, a position he currently holds. In Calgary his youth counseling work extended further to include helping in the mitigation of criminal radicalization. This included the implementation of civic engagement opportunities for Muslim youth. Among the programs started were youth groups, volunteer programs at the local shelters, community cleanups, and tree planting days. In 2015 Navaid became the first ever Muslim chaplain with the Calgary Police Services. Through his involvement with CPS he consulted in the development of their  renowned ReDirect program.

Photo of Laura

Laura Stolte

Lead Caseworker

Laura Stolte (MSW, BCYC) works with the OPV as the Evolve program’s Lead Caseworker. Laura has been with the OPV since 2020, following over a decade of work in youth housing, mental health, and community education. Her approach in supporting individuals and families is rooted in relational, strengths-based, trauma informed and anti-oppressive approaches. Laura aims to meet people where they are at in life and to empower others in accomplishing their self-defined goals.

Laura Stolte (MSW, BCYC) works with the OPV as the Evolve program’s Lead Caseworker. Laura has been with the OPV since 2020, following over a decade of work in youth housing, mental health, and community education. Her approach in supporting individuals and families is rooted in relational, strengths-based, trauma informed and anti-oppressive approaches. Laura aims to meet people where they are at in life and to empower others in accomplishing their self-defined goals.

Peter Smyth

Program Director

Peter Smyth, MSW works with the OPV as the EVOLVE program’s Director, having recently retired from the High-Risk Youth Services with Alberta Children’s Services in the Edmonton region. From 2005 to 2012 he was the supervisor of the High-Risk Youth Unit. Peter has been a social worker for almost 30 years and has developed a practice framework that incorporates non-traditional intervention methods. He provides consultation, training and workshops on engaging and working with youth, and understanding youth through an attachment, trauma and brain development lens. Peter is a co-founder of the Old Strathcona Youth Society in Edmonton and instructor at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work, Central and Northern Alberta Region and MacEwan University. He has authored a number of book chapters and articles, and in 2017, he published his book High Risk Youth: A Relationship-Based Practice Framework.

Peter Smyth, MSW works with the OPV as the EVOLVE program’s Director, having recently retired from the High-Risk Youth Services with Alberta Children’s Services in the Edmonton region. From 2005 to 2012 he was the supervisor of the High-Risk Youth Unit. Peter has been a social worker for almost 30 years and has developed a practice framework that incorporates non-traditional intervention methods. He provides consultation, training and workshops on engaging and working with youth, and understanding youth through an attachment, trauma and brain development lens. Peter is a co-founder of the Old Strathcona Youth Society in Edmonton and instructor at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work, Central and Northern Alberta Region and MacEwan University. He has authored a number of book chapters and articles, and in 2017, he published his book High Risk Youth: A Relationship-Based Practice Framework.

Profile picture of Dr. Farzad Zare-Bawani, wearing glasses and in a blue checkered blazer

Farzad Zare-Bawani

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Zare-Bawani is a practicing Forensic Psychologist who works as a consultant with the OPV. Since 2014, he has taught as an Associate Professor of Psychology at Concordia University of Edmonton where he chairs the interdisciplinary research cluster on youth mental health and leads forensic psychology training and research. Dr. Zare-Bawani has served as a forensic psychologist with Federal and Provincial Governments for more than a decade, working in maximum security institutions, with gang members and violent, dangerous offenders. In this role he managed the process of reintegration of offenders with parole and law enforcement agencies. In his career as a forensic expert, clinician, researcher, and educator, he has focused on promoting public safety by building bridges with communities from north African and Middle Eastern communities, and indigenous peoples of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Dr. Zare-Bawani is a practicing Forensic Psychologist who works as a consultant with the OPV. Since 2014, he has taught as an Associate Professor of Psychology at Concordia University of Edmonton where he chairs the interdisciplinary research cluster on youth mental health and leads forensic psychology training and research. Dr. Zare-Bawani has served as a forensic psychologist with Federal and Provincial Governments for more than a decade, working in maximum security institutions, with gang members and violent, dangerous offenders. In this role he managed the process of reintegration of offenders with parole and law enforcement agencies. In his career as a forensic expert, clinician, researcher, and educator, he has focused on promoting public safety by building bridges with communities from north African and Middle Eastern communities, and indigenous peoples of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Bradley Galloway

Research & Intervention Specialist

Brad is currently working as a case worker with the Evolve program at OPV, where he assists individuals who are exiting extremist lifestyles.

Brad is also a Case Manager with Life After Hate where he works in the same servicing American clientele. He also provided research assistance on a number of projects that are funded by Public Safety Canada and the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS). Brad has also served as a consultant for Google, Moonshot CVE, and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), among others. His primary research interests include right-wing extremism and terrorism, preventing and countering violent extremism, and the roles of former extremists in combating violent extremism.

Brad is currently working as a case worker with the Evolve program at OPV, where he assists individuals who are exiting extremist lifestyles.

Brad is also a Case Manager with Life After Hate where he works in the same servicing American clientele. He also provided research assistance on a number of projects that are funded by Public Safety Canada and the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS). Brad has also served as a consultant for Google, Moonshot CVE, and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), among others. His primary research interests include right-wing extremism and terrorism, preventing and countering violent extremism, and the roles of former extremists in combating violent extremism.

Julie Amundson

Finance and HR Manager

Julie is the OPV’s Finance Manager and a graduate of Macewan University.

Julie is the OPV’s Finance Manager and a graduate of Macewan University.


Senior Researcher

Michelle is a Research Associate with the Organization for the Prevention of Violence. She holds a Master’s degree and conducts research on extremist groups and hate-based violence in North America, Europe and elsewhere.

Michelle is a Research Associate with the Organization for the Prevention of Violence. She holds a Master’s degree and conducts research on extremist groups and hate-based violence in North America, Europe and elsewhere.

Lauren Manning

Lauren Manning

Research & Intervention Specialist

Lauren is a former extremist who denounced hatred and has since partaken in initiatives to facilitate the disengagement of members of hate groups, including working with Life After Hate in the United States. At age 17, she joined the white power movement after the death of her father. She spent several years in the movement before making the conscious decisions to leave due to the murder of another member, sobriety and gaining critical thinking skills. Lauren and her mother, Jeannette Manning, recently co-authored the book Walking Away from Hate.

Lauren is a former extremist who denounced hatred and has since partaken in initiatives to facilitate the disengagement of members of hate groups, including working with Life After Hate in the United States. At age 17, she joined the white power movement after the death of her father. She spent several years in the movement before making the conscious decisions to leave due to the murder of another member, sobriety and gaining critical thinking skills. Lauren and her mother, Jeannette Manning, recently co-authored the book Walking Away from Hate.

Yasmine Behiry

Project Coordinator

Yasmine Behiry, Project Coordinator at the Organization for the Prevention of Violence, leads strategic initiatives aimed at youth violence prevention. Yasmine brings a wealth of knowledge to her role and holds a Bilingual Honours BA in Sociology, a certificate in Public Policy Analysis and Migration and Refugee Studies from York University, and a diploma in Social Service Work from George Brown College. She also holds a part-time professorship at Mohawk College and is a Certified Nonviolent Crisis Intervention trainer. Yasmine was acknowledged by York University for her exceptional contributions as a field instructor and received a commendation for her impactful community work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Yasmine Behiry, Project Coordinator at the Organization for the Prevention of Violence, leads strategic initiatives aimed at youth violence prevention. Yasmine brings a wealth of knowledge to her role and holds a Bilingual Honours BA in Sociology, a certificate in Public Policy Analysis and Migration and Refugee Studies from York University, and a diploma in Social Service Work from George Brown College. She also holds a part-time professorship at Mohawk College and is a Certified Nonviolent Crisis Intervention trainer. Yasmine was acknowledged by York University for her exceptional contributions as a field instructor and received a commendation for her impactful community work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chinonye Ilupeju

Evolve Caseworker

Chinonye Ilupeju, Evolve Caseworker at the Organization for the Prevention of Violence, is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals and families through comprehensive support and intervention. With a focus on family systems and support, Chinonye has spearheaded culturally sensitive and collaborative programs. Her background in counseling and experience in child protection enrich her understanding of family dynamics. She focuses on understanding the impact of extremism on family dynamics, developing intervention and prevention programs, and investigating trauma and resilience among family members. Chinonye is also deeply invested in empowering families and preventing radicalization within communities through diligent documentation and collaboration with professionals and agencies.

Chinonye Ilupeju, Evolve Caseworker at the Organization for the Prevention of Violence, is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals and families through comprehensive support and intervention. With a focus on family systems and support, Chinonye has spearheaded culturally sensitive and collaborative programs. Her background in counseling and experience in child protection enrich her understanding of family dynamics. She focuses on understanding the impact of extremism on family dynamics, developing intervention and prevention programs, and investigating trauma and resilience among family members. Chinonye is also deeply invested in empowering families and preventing radicalization within communities through diligent documentation and collaboration with professionals and agencies.

Ciara Middlebrook

Evolve Caseworker

Ciara Middlebrook is a dedicated Caseworker with the Organization for the Prevention of Violence. She employs a client-centered and trauma-informed approach to empower individuals toward positive change. With over five years of experience as a social worker and counselor, Ciara has worked extensively with adult survivors of abuse, violence, and complex trauma, addressing issues such as grief, anxiety, depression, and emotional dysregulation. Currently a Master of Social Work student and a Licensed Practical Nurse, Ciara brings a unique blend of skills and knowledge. Her expertise in navigating complex systems and understanding the physiological manifestations of illness makes them a valuable asset in providing comprehensive support to clients. She is also actively involved in the Moonshot project, which aims to connect people to supports and services through online ads. Ciara is committed to making meaningful contributions to research and projects aimed at promoting mental health and well-being in communities.

Ciara Middlebrook is a dedicated Caseworker with the Organization for the Prevention of Violence. She employs a client-centered and trauma-informed approach to empower individuals toward positive change. With over five years of experience as a social worker and counselor, Ciara has worked extensively with adult survivors of abuse, violence, and complex trauma, addressing issues such as grief, anxiety, depression, and emotional dysregulation. Currently a Master of Social Work student and a Licensed Practical Nurse, Ciara brings a unique blend of skills and knowledge. Her expertise in navigating complex systems and understanding the physiological manifestations of illness makes them a valuable asset in providing comprehensive support to clients. She is also actively involved in the Moonshot project, which aims to connect people to supports and services through online ads. Ciara is committed to making meaningful contributions to research and projects aimed at promoting mental health and well-being in communities.

Nuha Dhooma

Evolve Caseworker

Nuha is a dedicated Caseworker and social advocate pursuing a Master of Social Work with a clinical specialization in Community Informed Health and Well-being at the University of Calgary. She focuses on tailored interventions through relationship-building and referral connections. Nuha is involved in community engagement projects like the Hate Crime Series, developing educational webinars on hate crimes, hate incidents, and extremism. As the Founder and Director of the Salaam Project, she champions Canadian-Muslim alliances and meaningful connections among diverse communities. Nuha is passionate about mental health advocacy, anti-racism work, and community development, and she promotes social justice and well-being for all.

Nuha is a dedicated Caseworker and social advocate pursuing a Master of Social Work with a clinical specialization in Community Informed Health and Well-being at the University of Calgary. She focuses on tailored interventions through relationship-building and referral connections. Nuha is involved in community engagement projects like the Hate Crime Series, developing educational webinars on hate crimes, hate incidents, and extremism. As the Founder and Director of the Salaam Project, she champions Canadian-Muslim alliances and meaningful connections among diverse communities. Nuha is passionate about mental health advocacy, anti-racism work, and community development, and she promotes social justice and well-being for all.

Morgan Parker

Evolve Caseworker

Using a trauma-informed and anti-oppressive practice framework, Morgan is deeply passionate about working with those who have been marginalized and oppressed in our communities. Morgan’s previous social work experience includes practicing within the housing, criminal justice, sexual violence prevention/awareness, and addiction/mental health systems in Alberta, Canada, and Ireland.

Morgan is committed to a lifelong process of learning and unlearning as a way to unpack harmful colonial systems of oppression in our communities. She is dedicated to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and 94 Calls to Action on a personal and professional level. Currently a Masters of Social Work student in International Community Development at the University of Calgary, she has been involved in research surrounding the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our health care systems, as well as how to implement the 94 Calls of Action into social work education.  Morgan was additionally a member of the City of Calgary’s Affordable Housing Task Force and strongly advocates for social justice, safety, non-judgement, and accountability in the social work profession.

Using a trauma-informed and anti-oppressive practice framework, Morgan is deeply passionate about working with those who have been marginalized and oppressed in our communities. Morgan’s previous social work experience includes practicing within the housing, criminal justice, sexual violence prevention/awareness, and addiction/mental health systems in Alberta, Canada, and Ireland.

Morgan is committed to a lifelong process of learning and unlearning as a way to unpack harmful colonial systems of oppression in our communities. She is dedicated to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and 94 Calls to Action on a personal and professional level. Currently a Masters of Social Work student in International Community Development at the University of Calgary, she has been involved in research surrounding the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our health care systems, as well as how to implement the 94 Calls of Action into social work education.  Morgan was additionally a member of the City of Calgary’s Affordable Housing Task Force and strongly advocates for social justice, safety, non-judgement, and accountability in the social work profession.

The OPV Board

Mr. Brian Simpson

Board Member and Chair

Mr. Michael Solowan

Board Member

Michael Solowan is a partner at Brownlee LLP in Edmonton. He practises municipal, education and administrative law working for public sector clients including the provincial government, municipalities, school boards and public agencies. Born in Edmonton, Michael grew up in Alberta and B.C. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in communications from Trinity Western University in 1997, and a law degree (LL.B. with distinction) from the University of Alberta in 2005. Michael articled at Brownlee and was called to the bar in Alberta (2006) and Saskatchewan (2016).

Michael Solowan is a partner at Brownlee LLP in Edmonton. He practises municipal, education and administrative law working for public sector clients including the provincial government, municipalities, school boards and public agencies. Born in Edmonton, Michael grew up in Alberta and B.C. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in communications from Trinity Western University in 1997, and a law degree (LL.B. with distinction) from the University of Alberta in 2005. Michael articled at Brownlee and was called to the bar in Alberta (2006) and Saskatchewan (2016).

Dr. Anna Kirova

Board Member

Dr. Anna Kirova is Professor of Early Childhood Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. Her credentials include a PhD in Early Childhood Education from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria (1987), and a PhD in Elementary Education with an early childhood specialization from the University of Alberta, Edmonton (1996). Prior to her appointment at the University of Alberta in 2000, she was a faculty member in the Department of Human Development and Child Studies at Oakland University, Michigan, USA (1996-2000).

Dr. Anna Kirova is Professor of Early Childhood Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. Her credentials include a PhD in Early Childhood Education from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria (1987), and a PhD in Elementary Education with an early childhood specialization from the University of Alberta, Edmonton (1996). Prior to her appointment at the University of Alberta in 2000, she was a faculty member in the Department of Human Development and Child Studies at Oakland University, Michigan, USA (1996-2000).

Dr. Bob Murray

Board Member

Dr. Bob Murray is the former President & CEO of Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC). Prior to leading GPRC, Dr. Murray was the managing director of the government practice group at Dentons Canada LLP, the world’s largest law firm. In that role, he counseled public-sector and private-sector organizations from a wide range of industries on strategic development and planning, organizational change, crisis and issues management, policy analysis and development, risk analysis and mitigation, governance and government affairs within Canada and globally.

He has held executive-level positions in the professional and business advisory services, economic development, think tank, and education sectors, and has advised extensively on municipal, provincial, federal and international policy issues. He consults on policy and political matters, both nationally and internationally, and has shared his extensive knowledge as a faculty member at the University of Alberta and Brock University.

Dr. Murray holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Alberta, a Master of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in History from Brock University and has an extensive international academic publication record.

Dr. Bob Murray is the former President & CEO of Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC). Prior to leading GPRC, Dr. Murray was the managing director of the government practice group at Dentons Canada LLP, the world’s largest law firm. In that role, he counseled public-sector and private-sector organizations from a wide range of industries on strategic development and planning, organizational change, crisis and issues management, policy analysis and development, risk analysis and mitigation, governance and government affairs within Canada and globally.

He has held executive-level positions in the professional and business advisory services, economic development, think tank, and education sectors, and has advised extensively on municipal, provincial, federal and international policy issues. He consults on policy and political matters, both nationally and internationally, and has shared his extensive knowledge as a faculty member at the University of Alberta and Brock University.

Dr. Murray holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Alberta, a Master of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in History from Brock University and has an extensive international academic publication record.

Mr. Khalid Tarrabain

Board Member

Mr. Khalid Tarrabain was born in Lala, Lebanon and came to Canada in 1986 after finishing high school. Khalid is related to one of Canada’s early Muslim pioneers, Ali Tarrabain, who arrived in Canada in 1901. Khalid attended NAIT and studied telecommunications. He had a computer business until 1999 and today he works in the area of land development.

Mr. Tarrabain has been extremely active over the years in Edmonton’s Muslim community. He was elected President of the Canadian Islamic Centre for the first time in 1993. Khalid has been re-elected to that position up to the present year without interruption.

From 1987 to 1991, he was a youth director at the Canadian Islamic Centre. In 1991 he became a board member of the Centre for a two year term. Khalid then became the Chairman of the Social and Religious Committee and was responsible for such activities as hiring Imams, Islamic classes, visits of churches to the Centre and interfaith dialogues and conferences. In addition, he became the Vice-Chairman of the Education Committee.

As President of the Canadian Islamic Centre, Khalid’s responsibilities have been numerous. He was the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Edmonton Islamic School where he reformed the operations of the school and set its strategic plans. Khalid has been involved with the Islamic Funeral Society, which looks after all aspects of Islamic burials and the Inter-Mosque Council that served as a co-coordinating body between mosques in Edmonton. Khalid was also a co-founder of the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities. This council lobbies on behalf of Muslims and represents them in areas such as public policy, education, media and interfaith activities. Khalid has been involved in developing liaison committees between the Muslim community and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Edmonton City Police.Khalid also serves as a member of Majlis Ashoora (Board of Directors) of the Islamic Society of North America and has been Chairman of the Canadian Islamic Trust Foundation from 2009 to the present time.These are only some of the many activities that Khalid has been involved in.

Mr. Khalid Tarrabain was born in Lala, Lebanon and came to Canada in 1986 after finishing high school. Khalid is related to one of Canada’s early Muslim pioneers, Ali Tarrabain, who arrived in Canada in 1901. Khalid attended NAIT and studied telecommunications. He had a computer business until 1999 and today he works in the area of land development.

Mr. Tarrabain has been extremely active over the years in Edmonton’s Muslim community. He was elected President of the Canadian Islamic Centre for the first time in 1993. Khalid has been re-elected to that position up to the present year without interruption.

From 1987 to 1991, he was a youth director at the Canadian Islamic Centre. In 1991 he became a board member of the Centre for a two year term. Khalid then became the Chairman of the Social and Religious Committee and was responsible for such activities as hiring Imams, Islamic classes, visits of churches to the Centre and interfaith dialogues and conferences. In addition, he became the Vice-Chairman of the Education Committee.

As President of the Canadian Islamic Centre, Khalid’s responsibilities have been numerous. He was the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Edmonton Islamic School where he reformed the operations of the school and set its strategic plans. Khalid has been involved with the Islamic Funeral Society, which looks after all aspects of Islamic burials and the Inter-Mosque Council that served as a co-coordinating body between mosques in Edmonton. Khalid was also a co-founder of the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities. This council lobbies on behalf of Muslims and represents them in areas such as public policy, education, media and interfaith activities. Khalid has been involved in developing liaison committees between the Muslim community and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Edmonton City Police.Khalid also serves as a member of Majlis Ashoora (Board of Directors) of the Islamic Society of North America and has been Chairman of the Canadian Islamic Trust Foundation from 2009 to the present time.These are only some of the many activities that Khalid has been involved in.

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Public Safety Canada

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Reach Edmonton

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