Fostering personal and public safety through collaborative prevention, intervention, and research.

Organization for the Prevention of Violence

The Organization for the Prevention of Violence is a non-partisan, and expert-led non-government organization devoted to public safety.

What are you interested in?

"I'm interested in the OPV's research"

We produce applied research to improve our understanding of issues related to violence and community safety.

"I've experienced a hate crime or hate incident and need support."

Our team of human service professionals are here to assist and support you with counselling, resources, advice, and advocacy. 

"Someone I know needs help."

If you’re concerned about the beliefs or actions of someone close to you, our team will support you and guide you to appropriate resources.

"I think I need help."

If you want to move away from harmful beliefs, our team of mentors, counsellors and human service workers can help you make positive changes in your life.

What we strive to accomplish

We engage in research, prevention, and intervention-based activities that aim to enhance community and public safety.

We work closely with community-based organizations, human service providers, and all levels of government in pursuit of this goal.

Our Team

We are a diverse group of experts, practitioners, and researchers with experience in addressing challenges related to community and public safety. 


We publish action-oriented research for community & front-line staff

Stay informed

Get started by reading through our publications or our resources page.

In addition to our Evolve program, the OPV regularly produces relevant, directly applicable research and hosts events to deepen your knowledge base.

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